Across rural Colorado, access to technology and STEM programs is inconsistent, while the jobs of the future demand digital literacy and strong math and science skills. According to a recent survey of rural Colorado schools, only about 25% of rural school students in Colorado have regular access to STEM learning opportunities.


Computer Certifications/CTE Credentials

  • Through a GSN partnership with Spark Mindset, schools and districts can offer two different high school certifications: networking and security. Contact Elliot Zettas to start these offerings at your school.

Computer Science Grants

  • Through CDE’s annual offering of computer science grants, the CREC is helping districts and schools introduce their students to computer coding and their teachers to Computer Science (CS). The opportunity to increase CS knowledge is open to all teachers K-12 through a state-wide monthly PLC, scholarships for further training and classroom kits for students. Contact Laurie Unger to learn more. 

  • The CREC is also supporting evaluation of 21st Century Learning Grants for Cañon City, Early College of Arvada, and Wiggins Districts including computer coding opportunities for students.

STEM Learning Quests

  • Learning Blade, a collaborating partner organization of the CREC, provides a complete toolbox of online lessons, projects and activities designed to grab student attention while introducing them to the careers, tools and technologies found throughout STEM fields. If you want to learn more, please contact Elliot Zettas

Teacher PD for STEM across the Curriculum

  • An interactive, fun, and inspirational STEM Integration Series has been created and tested in rural districts and is available as professional development across the CREC with needed sponsorship. Click here to see more about our STEM PD programming.

  • To support all students having access to preparation for high demand careers, the CREC developed a hands-on workshop series designed to build teacher capacity to integrate fun and engaging STEM projects across the curriculum. The workshop included a special emphasis on using STEM to engage families of English Language Learners. The series was well received across the San Luis Valley BOCES and is now available to other rural BOCES and schools. 


  • Students need strong math and science skills to be successful in high growth STEM careers. As a result, in the area of Teacher Recruitment & Retention, the CREC continues to build on the work of a successful Math / Science Partnership Grant to ensure that math teachers are recruited to rural areas, receive strong support and are able to ensure student proficiency in math.

    • To see strategies that worked across the Santa Fe Trail and South Central BOCES, find more here.