Members of the Colorado Rural Education Collaborative have a shared commitment to expanding student opportunity, enhancing educational equity, and enriching economic prosperity for rural Colorado.
Ready to join the CREC?
All members recognize:
the value of sharing resources and relationships requires a certain kind of leadership—trust, ingenuity, openness, innovation, creativity, transparency, respect, responsiveness, and a mission-first mindset.
we have a better chance of realizing our common purpose if we connect around high-impact innovations, share everything we can, secure additional resources through aligned action, and actively participate in a community of learning.
we need to connect and not duplicate any of the numerous vital and relevant initiatives, organizations, people, and networks that are committed to a more positive future for rural Colorado students, schools, and communities.
Download your Compact, sign it, and email it to Kirk Banghart.
Curious about joining the CREC? It’s free!
Contact Kirk Banghart at kbanghart@generationschools.org to learn how.
Our work would not be possible without the generous support of our funders:
Adolph Coors Foundation
Anonymous Donor
Anschutz Family Foundation
Bar NI
Battelle for Kids
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Boettcher Foundation
Colorado Dept. of Education
Colorado Dept. of Higher Education
Colorado Dept. of Labor and Employment
Colorado Health Foundation
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority
Daniels Fund
Delta Dental Community Foundation
Denver Foundation
Donnell-Kay Foundation
Einhorn Family Charitable Trust
Gates Family Foundation
Generation Schools Network
Governor Polis’s RISE Fund
Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt
InspirED Grant—NoVo Foundation
James Walton Fund
Larrk Foundation
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
Morgridge Family Foundation
Nathan Yip Foundation
OtterCares Foundation
Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Robert Hoag Rawlings Foundation
U.S. Army
US Dept. of Agriculture Rural Development
United Way
The Weld Trust
Wend Collective
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Wold Architects