FACS Instructor
Plateau (Peetz) School District Re-5
Description of Position/Program:
The FACS Instructor is responsible for 7th through 12th grade instruction in the Hospitality and Food Production and Interior/Fashion Design pathways. The total school enrollment for Peetz School is around 200 students Pre K-12. 7th -12th enrollment is currently at 88 students, with a good amount of students enrolled in FACS. A brand new classroom is being built with ample classroom space and 3 student cooking stations. The budget for the FACS program is adequate to promote student learning and creativity. The FCCLA chapter is active at all levels of participation. The school and community support the efforts of Career and Technical Education as a career pathway for students upon graduation from high school. Additional information about Peetz Schools can be found at www.peetzschool.org.
Duties/ Responsibilities:
● Plan and implement curriculum based on the CTE Course Matrix for FACS
● Teach various subjects, including nutrition, cooking, parenting, personal finance, and textile/fashion design.
● Create lesson plans incorporating hands-on activities, group projects, and technology to enhance student
● Deliver instruction in a manner that promotes student learning and growth
● Develop formal and informal assessments that measure student growth and achievement
● Encourage students to pursue their passions
● Create a classroom culture that is inclusive of diverse backgrounds
● Keep grade book up to date on a weekly basis
● Advise the FCCLA Chapter and its Program of Activities
● Sponsor FCCLA Activities/events that may fall outside of school hours
● Schedule CTE Advisory committee meetings with other CTE instructors (Combined CTE Advisory Board)
● Adhere to school policies
● Additional duties as determined by the administration
● Understand Perkins, CTE funding, and work with the CTE Director and Vocational Director
Required Qualifications:
● Bachelor’s degree or higher in Family and Consumer Sciences, Education, or related field
● Certified teacher license or ability to be licensed in Colorado
● Hold a valid CTE credential in Family and Consumer Sciences
● Strong organizational skills
● Communicate effectively with staff, administration, and stakeholders in the community
● Experience with web-based programs for student and course management (i.e. Schoology, Alma)
● A true passion for education
Desired Qualifications:
● Previous experience as a FACS teacher
● Desire to work in a rural setting
● Desire to be involved in the whole school community